Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Busy Bees Allergies- About Us

There was so much I wanted to share in my profile that I could not fit due to limited character space, so I felt compelled to share it here.  I hope you will get a sense of what Busy Bees Allergies will be about and you will want to continue to share in my life journey.


I have created Busy Bees Allergies specifically for families raising children with life threatening: food allergies, environmental allergies, & insect sting allergies. I will also focus on severe asthma problems, excema issues, raising a child with developmental delays, & raising a gifted child. In short, I will share with you my life & the lessons I've learned along the way.

It is my hope that this will be a place for you to come to for support, recipes, & candid stories about raising children like mine.  I will share our triumphs and struggles and hope our stories will fill your heart. Raising children is never an easy task, but raising medically fragile children with severe anaphylactic reactions is quite a journey. Trying to maintain their physical safety and preserve their emotional well-being is always a balancing act.

I am blessed to be in a strong, loving marriage with my best friend. "Honey" is an amazing husband and father.  After seven years of infertility, I have been blessed with two beautiful sons.  I am a wife & mommy- these are the very core of who I am & the best things about me. 

My amazing husband, "Honey", is the stay at home parent. He runs our children to to a million doctors appointments a week, homeschools our oldest child, drives our youngest to speech therapy, occupational therapy, and his ESE preschool class, drives our oldest to co-op classes twice a week, keeps the house cleaned, laundry washed, creates breakfasts, lunches, & dinners free of gluten, egg, dairy, peanut, tree nuts, makes every swim meet & soccer practice, & makes me a priority every night before bed. Yes, I think you are right, I married superman.


My oldest son, I like to call my "love bug", but I think he would prefer "the Dragon Trainer" is such an amazing little miracle. I marvel at his curiosity, his scientific mind, his ability to connect the dots to life's events with an intellect far beyond his years.  He is a soft hearted child who loves completely. He is my gifted child.  My oldest is also a severe asthmatic who is anaphylatic to eggs, fire ants, pine trees, and oak trees.


My youngest son, busy "Bee", aka "B" is a daily blessing.  Bee is my rough and tumble monkey that always has a mischievous smile on his face & twinkle in his eye. He is pure joy. Bee was born early at 33 weeks due to my developing preeclamsia and then HELLP syndrome. My little "B"  is developmentally delayed, with communication issues, & hypotonia.  He has celiac disease, is anaphylatic to eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, & is severely allergic to dairy & experiences severe asthma when he is sick.


If you are here, you are right where you are supposed to be at this moment. Grab a cup of tea and for a moment unwind with me. I pray I can share with you advice, some of my husband's amazing recipes, and a candid sense of raising very special children with food allergies, medical needs, & developmental delays.

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