Thursday, February 7, 2013

Relaxed and Feeling Grateful

Tonight I am feeling particularly relaxed and extremely grateful! I just had a much-needed night out on the town with my Dad. I love his company and he always knows just what to say, what not to say, and how I am without me needing to say a thing. He also loves to learn and when we dive into an unknown question it is a race to discover the answer. We both love discovering new information into this amazing would! We also both love my 3 boys... so conversation and laughter are always a part of our precious time together.


Another blessing I am so grateful for is that B's teacher asked us if we started him on medications. I know what you are thinking…. and how is this a blessing? Well, we inquired as to why she asked the question.  She said that he has been so incredibly focused, listening skills have gotten much better, and he's verbalizing more. We are elated!!!   We honestly owe it all to his new occupational therapist and her brushing for sensory input!  I am so thankful we listened to our parental gut instincts and advocated for a new therapist!  It is making a difference!


Something else I am so very thankful for is our wonderful bedtime routine tradition with our oldest child. Nightly we take turns sharing 2 of our favorite things that happened during the day. It does not have to be earth shattering- big or little, there is always something to be thankful for!  When I got home tonight I had missed tucking the boys in. I asked what my oldest and my sweet honey were thankful tonight. Tonight, my big boy was grateful for his grandfather being able to watch him at his practice and a hotdog bun that did not split open as he ate it.  Hearing this made my heart smile.


Yes, so much to be grateful for!!!
Pictures to follow, I swear!  My little one has been on strike and my biggest child has been goofy or on the move and my honey- well, if any of you watched "Friends" and remember Chandlier Bing's smile... yup, lol, that!

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