Monday, May 20, 2013

Serene Sunday Simplicities

I love serene, Sunday mornings with my babies.   Sundays are truly a day of rest in our home.  No prior obligations, no school, no therapy, no sports- just family, and the memories we wish to make on this day.  The boys have both developed horrible upper respitory infections, barking coughs, asthma and are a little extra snuggly today.


Theys are both well rested and happy, yet they are still sleepy enough that they want to sit in my lap and cuddle.  It is in these quiet moments that memories of childhood are made.


This morning we baked a gluten free coffee cake before cuddling on the couch.  The smell of safe, aromatic foods waft through the kitchen and throughout the house.  I lit a few candles on a high countertop and played some soft music.  Then we sat down to enjoy a quiet, “unplugged” morning.  The boys cuddled closely in my arms and we read story after story after story.

Without a shadow of doubt, it is these moments I will long for when they are older and I am sitting there with an empty lap.  I know I will look back on these moments and miss the sounds of their innocent questions and the purity of their squeals of laughter.  Who knows?  I just might miss the feelings of tiny, sharp elbows being mashed into me as they change positions and hardback books being knocked into my face as they figure out who’s turn it is to turn the page.   But without a doubt, I will miss their heads on my shoulders as they both play with my hair and listen to my story telling.  I will miss the scent of their shampooed hair.  I will miss them wanting to climb in my lap. 

   But for now, I am so thankful for now. 

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