Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Thanks

There are countless things that I am so very grateful for this year.  I am sure I will miss some, as I have so much to be thankful for! 

I am thankful for:

1.  Being married to my very best friend and an amazing man.  My sweet Honey is such a phenominal husband.  After 15 years together, he still opens my car doors.  He still plans date nights and suprises me.  He still will walk beside me and caress my face and tell me he thinks I am beautiful. Seeing this man that I love so very much with our children makes my heart skip a beat.  I never knew such a beautiful love could only get more strong with every shared moment. I am so very grateful for every second with him and a lifetime of more love than I knew life could hold. 

2.  My oldest darling son, I am thankful every moment of every day with him.  I am so thankful for his sweet spirit and gentle, wise old soul.  I love how he is so patient and understanding with his bubby and loves him so much.  I am so grateful for every kiss, each snuggle, every impromptu hug, pretty wild flowers picked from the yard, his artisitic masterpieces, for making my dreams of becoming a mommy come true and surpassing every expectation of what loving him, my darling child, could mean. 

3.  My youngest little rough and tumble munchkin, "B", I am thankful for each moment I can hold him.   I am so grateful for his uncontainable laughter and his never-give-up attitiude.  I love his mischeviousness and his sheer delight in everything in life.  I love every word and every thought he is able to express, his sheer determination to express his heart's desires with a glance or a tug on my hand.  I love his hugs, his sweetness and how he lies his head on my shoulder and plays with my hair or gently rubs my cheek.  I love how he cannot help but dancing any time he hears a song. Thank you my sweet baby boy, for completing our family.

4.  My parents- for giving me life and love always and now passing on their love and precious time with my boys.

5.  Family.

6. I am thankful for the here and now.  I wish I could bottle up this time in my life- keep my children small and innocent beside us.  I love the sweetness of my boys- all three of them. 

7.  For tomorrow and all of the promise it holds.

8. For a wonderful and supportive medical team that look over my babies and work hard to keep them safe. 

9.  I am grateful for the love and memories from loved ones that have passed on.  Your lives have touched my soul and made me a better person.  You have helped shape me into the person I am today. I relish in the sweet memories of baking in the kitchen, familiy vacations, birthday parties, pool parties, Disney trips, hugs, laughter, and weather reports every morning.  I still miss you every day. 

10. For my health and the health of my family. 

11. For parents that have had to create recipes from scratch when there were not labels for gluten free and top 8 allergies.  It is because of their kitchen creations and their fight to create changes to this allergy world, that I am more safely able to feed my family.

12. I am grateful to the men and women who are serving in our military to ensure my freedom and very way of life as an American. It is because of their selfless sacrifices that I am able to be grateful for the other wonderous things in my life.

13.  Freedom

14. Laughter. It reminds me to take a mental picture and be sure to capture this memory.

15.  Nature- God's paintbrush is a beautiful thing

16.  and it all circles back to I am grateful for .... Love.

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